
how to siphon without sucking

Ducks make mucky ponds. After two or three days the pools are filthy. Fortunately, our pen is at the top of a slope, so it's easy to siphon the liquid out of the tanks.

The first couple of times I cleaned out the pool, I sucked on the pipe enough to bring the pond water up over the tank, and then let go, holding the pipe down low and waiting for the flow to start. I didn't get anything in my mouth either time, but it's a risky thing, so I looked up methods on the internet.

I had success with this method:
1. With the open end level with the top of the tank liquid, fill part of the pipe with water.

2. Put your thumb over the end when the water in the pipe reaches the top.

3. Lower the pipe end to the ground and take your thumb off.

First the water you just put in will run out and stop, then, after a few seconds (or more, depending on the length of pipe), the liquid from the tank comes running out.
(Apparently, the siphon, or syphon, works by gravity, not by atmospheric pressure: See here.)

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